Sunshine Coach Renfrew Ontario
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Adopt A Rider
Adopt A Rider Logo Many of our clients are not only living with a disability that curtails their mobility but many are also living on fixed incomes.  Sunshine Coach constantly strives, together with our Charitable Foundation, Friends of the Disabled (Renfrew) Inc to keep fares affordable for the people who depend on our service every day.  Through the support of civic minded business and service organizations, together with the generosity of the general public, we have succeeded in maintaining our fares without an increase since July of 2008.  Although we feel this is an incredibly important achievement and a track record of which we can be proud, the fact remains that for a person living on limited means and a fixed income, accessible transportation can be a strain on their individual budgets.

Our Adopt A Rider initiative provides an opportunity for generous donors to make a significant difference in the lives of our clients who are in the most need.  For instance, a donation of ninety dollars ($90.00) will provide the equivalent of ten (10) in-town trips.  The Sunshine Coach Operations Department disperses Adopt A Rider donations among our clients who are most economically vulnerable and thereby assist in reducing the burden for what is truly an essential service in their lives. 
Donations / Pledges may be made in support of the Adopt A Rider initiative by sending your cheque or money order payable to either Friends of the Disabled (Renfrew) Inc. or Sunshine Coach Service to:
850 O'Brien Road, Unit #2
Renfrew, Ontario
K7V 0B4
by visiting our offices located at 850 O'Brien Road, Unit #2, Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
by calling our offices at 613-432-2134 during regular business hours to make alternate arrangements.
Canada Helps Logo

You may make an immediate,  secure online credit card donation via Canada Helps in support of our Adopt A Rider initiative by clicking on the link button below: