Sunshine Coach Renfrew Ontario
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Memorial Donations
Memorial Donation Logo        Donations may be made in memory of a loved one and all such donations will be applied directly to the operation of the Sunshine Coach Service.  We hope that your donation will have special meaning to you, in the knowledge that your gift will be of such great benefit to so many.  Your donation will be completely  anonymous, however, Friends of the Disabled will annually publish a list of names on whose behalf Memorial Tributes have been received.  In addition, the Annual Memorial Tributes will be published on our web site.
Memorial Donations may be made by sending your cheque or money order payable to either Friends of the Disabled (Renfrew) Inc. or Sunshine Coach Service to:
850 O'Brien Road, Unit #2
Renfrew, Ontario
K7V 3B1
by visiting our offices located at 850 O'Brien Road, Unit #2, Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
by calling our offices at 613-432-2134 during regular business hours to make alternate arrangements.
Canada Helps Logo

You may make an immediate,  secure online credit card donation via Canada Helps in Memory of your Loved One by clicking on the link button below:

Memorial Tribute Lists by Year can be viewed on the Friends of the Disabled (Renfrew) Inc. Website:
Click this link to be directed to Friends of the Disabled (Renfrew) Inc. website